It's easy to find Tom Tit!
As a matter a fact, it's rather difficult to miss Tom Tit!
From the Central station, take the Järnagatan to the right, to Storgatan
that goes right through the shopping centre and town square, pass the
church and it's just beyond the old motorway bridge that crosses the canal.
A restaurant and at least two
cafe's, both indoor and out in the park, together with the souvenir shop
where also the book "404 experiments" is for sale
From the spring 2009 I believe the science park has been extended to
more than 600 experiments! |
The fountain was "played" by people's feet on the platform to
the right.
In the shed you can create the movements
from a real earthquake

The picture above shows some of the registered earthquakes here at Tom
Tits own seismograph.

The bottle launcher in the right center of picture, where we pumped up
enough pressure to shoot a water filled bottle along a wire up towards the
roof, releasing the water in a large shower over the rest of the visitors.
It was really fun, but pumping up the pressure almost killed me. :-)
At the strongest magnitude, when the shed moved a foot or so sideways,
it was difficult to stand up straight.